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I'm Liz, and that's my sweet little girl Charlotte with me in the picture.  I created this website as a resource for stressed out parents in the Houston area who struggle with the looming question of "OMG HOW WILL I SURVIVE THIS SUMMER? HOW WILL MY CHILDREN SURVIVE??  HOW WILL I PREVENT US FROM NOT TURNING INTO A PACK OF FERAL CATS???"...or, maybe something a tad less dramatic, but with JUST as much emotion!  Each summer, I spend time creating a detailed spreadsheet of all the camps Charlotte will be attending, and I thought this concept *might* just be useful to other parents out there.


Purple Popsicles is a comprehensive website of summer camps in the Houston area. Peruse, take notes, and sign those kiddos up for camp...and then congratulate yourself with a well-earned cup of coffee or glass of wine (that's what I would do)! If you know of a camp but don't see it on here, please let me know via email ( or through my contact form. My goal is to have this be the one-stop shop for all things summer camp, as well as holiday and other camps, so I welcome suggestions. 


Have fun, and happy camping!





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